While the front end data entry software is the
focus of most web development, the portion that becomes
the most important aspect to companies in
the end is Reporting.
foReports is an online adhoc report writer, which was created to address the needs of companies
that are often forced to spend too much -- just to create the reports that they need to view their
own data.
It can be difficult to create specifications for customized reports and it can be
costly to have the actual work done ($1,000-$7,000k per report is not uncommon).
Companies are often forced into a situation where
they have to return to (internal or external)
development teams to do more reports -- when
they would be just as happy to do the work
themselves, if they could. This is even true in large companies, with full IT
teams -- because these IT teams can be either
slow to act -- or not decentralized enough to react
to actual client needs.
foReports allows companies to access their own data, without
requiring additional programming in order to do so.
While there are other internet report writers available,
foReports is unique based on it's flexibility, ease of use,
and availability of source code.
foReports works similar to Microsoft Access'
Query Designer. But it sits on the web and works
against a customer's database directly.
Click here for a simple example:
This tool can be integrated within a customers' application
or used as a standalone tool on the web. It can
also be
used on a local, internal intranet site.
foReports - Views and Tables
Major Features
- foReports can be added into existing intra/internet applications.
- foReports is accessible from any internet connection.
- foReports Automatically picks up your tables and queries,
no coding is required.
- Security is provided at the View level -- supporting your
own database security model.
- online Drag and drop of fields is used to create the queries.
- Users can play with the data, before creating the actual report.
- Users can create and save their own individual reports.
- Sorting and Grouping is supported.
- Adding criteria to the data is supported. (eg. Where State="PA")
- A foReports version that can generate PDA-ready web pages
is available.
- foReports saves even adhoc-report-writing saving clients, from
the cost of putting tools such as Microsoft Access on every
foReports - Selection Criteria
foReports Requirements:
- Windows Server
- Linux Server
FO also provides web site and database hosting, and can run
foReports for your company remotely.
- 4,000k if hosted by FO (and pointing at your Database).
- A single server licensing, source code version is also available.
- NOTE: We also have a Javabeans version of foReports
under development. The price for the Java version will be
9,000 per server.
Contact us for more information.